Sunday, January 27, 2008


My first foray into blogging. The purpose of this site will be to track my progress in exploring passive solar home design in the context of Sarah Susanka's Not So Big House concept.

At this point in the process I'm still in the very early stages of research, which for me, means there's a long way to go. I'm a pretty conservative guy so I need to be really comfortable about any serious decisions in my life. Upside of this approach is that I pretty much never regret the big decisions I make. Downside is that a lot of big decisions tend to pass me by as I'm thinking about them. C'est la vie, but perhaps self-recognition really is the first step to self-improvement.

Anyway, given the thought of building a home is about as serious as it gets (financially speaking -- I'm a romantic at heart), I'm thinking this is going to be a multi-year process with a significant chance of stagnation. Still, you've got to start somewhere...

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